Student Visa

The easiest and fastest way to emigrate to Canada is through a student visa. The educational system of the country has a worldwide reputation. Canada is a community of immigrants from all over the world and has a safe and peaceful environment, despite its different nationalities and cultures;

This means that immigrants live in a healthy society while studying, doing business, choosing and creating jobs and ... regardless of racial discrimination, being equally treated according to  the law while maintaining individual rights of each other. This country has a very low inflation, and unemployment rate, due to its proximity to the U.S., the world's biggest economic power, and its strong economic structure. Being certain about the promising future, making advantage of modern educational, healthcare and welfare facilities as well as studying in reputable schools, colleges and universities strongly motivate the educated people to pursue their studies and go to higher levels.

Some features of Student Visa:

  • Acquiring permanent residency through an educational visa
  • Student visa application from 5 to 18 years old
  • Choosing desirable course at the best international schools
  • Parents' company at the time of schooling (accompanying visas for parents without invitations)
  • No need for language certificate
  • Free health insurance
  • The residency of more than 500,000   international students in Canada




Canada has the highest number of educated people in the world. The reason behind the high quality education system in this country is that the government allocates a lot of money to this section in comparison with other countries.

There are many international universities all over Canada whose credibility is very high throughout the world; however, the cost of living and studying in this country is much lower than that of the United States and the United Kingdom for international students.

The primary condition for living and studying in Canada is to have an acceptable financial remittance and show that you are able to pay for your living and studying expenses. Sometimes you may think of working while studying. This will make you earn money legally and learn more about the culture of the community. If your student visa is valid for more than 6 months, you will no longer need to obtain a work visa and you can work for 20 hours a week and full time at university holidays.

Also after completing your studies, depending on the duration of the course, you can work as an official work force with a work permit (work visa) from the Canadian Employment Office and continue to get your PR

 Married students will also be able to bring their spouse and children to Canada, and their children will enjoy the benefits of free education.

Considering that the country is among the world's top producers (from the perspective of food, oil, wood, paper, chemicals and metals, etc.). Strategic geographic location, natural and environmental resources, and having a good commercial relationship with the world's superpowers, are the strong points of its economy.

 Students and potential graduates are not likely to worry about finding a job and can easily enter the Canadian promising labor market.

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220 Brew Street, Suit 301

Port Moody

BC, V3H0H6


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